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IN FOCUS TV UPDATE: New technology dominates early 2022 features and highlights

Writer's picture: LMGE LMGE

The Beyond Insight web series leads the content charge with a season of high tech insight & innovation. Click the screen below to watch the episode highlighting the Top Ten Countdown of the coolest new tech from CES 2022. Our team to traveled to Las Vegas to seek out what we think are the most innovative technologies and solutions coming to the market in the near future.


Our show about the Top Ten Coolest Tech from the Consumer Electronics Showcase (in the above episode) was a tough one to complete because this isn't an incredibly vast event with more amazing displays than we could ever cover. What we did our best to bring you what we thought was a good start. We may include future shows with other dynamic innovations coming your way.


You may know about the digital divide and the negative economic and social impact it has on certain communities but it gets more challenging to a wider community in the age of COVID19. The digital divide is also impacting small business and has left millions unaware of the cyber security issues that have emerged. Check out the episode above for the latest feature about the digital divide and what comes next.


We could not ignore robotics and metamobility and thus dedicated an entire show and possibly follow-ups on this issue. Hyundai pulled offer a stunning display on robotics and metamobility, which we're proud to share. Gamers have been aware and involved in this technological innovation for years and virtual reality fans are up on it as we speak. However the meta verse is going to continue to evolve and also include real-life real-time integration. Stay tuned for more on that.

I want you to join our drive to reach 1,000 subscribers on our YouTube channel. We've come a long way and your help has made a big difference. We also encourage you to continue to comment and get engaged in the dialogue. We want to elevate the community around working smart playing hard and living well. Keep up all the time on social media as well.


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